Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Potholes on the highway!!!

Let me come straight to the point. So far, 2006 has not been as good as I wished it to be. Not that any of the following things are of much significance, but they sure add up to put you in a bad mood.

First of all, there is the academic registration, which has quite a few hitches in it. Of the four subjects offered (two to be picked) we have already done two so it is back to the usual, forced electives. And on top of that, the remaining subjects are not the most enjoyable (not that subjects ever are...). Anyway, uttering the word "Whatever" once more, I take these subjects, but not before another even tougher subject (which I wouldn't touch with a fourty foot pole) is wrestled into the options by deliberations with the HOD and letters to the DOAA.

Anyway, elective subjects are not the matter of prime concern these days. Its the (unseasonal) placement season and hence we gotta worry about placements. And while the placements are going well for KGP as a whole, the picture is a bit gloomy for us belonging to the 2001 batch. We are sandwiched between the B.Techs of 2002 batch (Magguz with hoohaa CG's) and the Post Graduates, and things are not as we would like them to be. Anyway, with some more people placed and a wingoo getting a schol, things are getting better now.

All this would have been OK if it wasn't for my bruised knee. Curse the "Under Construction" road that has been all mud and stones for the last seven-eight months, and the useless bicyclist who does not know any road manners. Shoulda run him down into the dust.

Hope that things get better soon. Don't wanna go into SF with such a lousy mood......

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