Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another year goes by.....

So here comes the end of another year. Sometimes it seems that it was just yesterday when we were talking about 2004 going by and 2005 being a few days away. Now in the blink of an eye, it is one year hence. And sometimes, as I look back al all that happened in 2005, it seems as if it has been eons since we celebrated the last new year's eve.

Taking a look back at the year gone by, there were a lot of new things. I started blogging for instance, and amongst KGPians, there was a huge explosion of blog culture. This has helped keep in touch with those who are now scattered across the globe, thus keeping people in the frozen Alberta, in the civilisation, and those still in the village just a click away. Yo Blogging!

Moving to more important things, 2005 was also the year that changed me perhaps more than any previous year, more so in its latter half. Maybe it was the begining of my final year of college or the thought of the future and what it held for me, but it caught me off guard. While I am still trying to figure out some loose ends, 22nd December had laid rest to most of these thoughts.

2005 was also the year when I spent all of my summer vacations in KGP. It was a mixed experience. While there was a lot of free time, the weather was so hostile that it was folly to try to get any significant work done in the day time. And on top of that, the restaurants were of no help. Anyway, that is now behind me now and perhaps was the first and the last time I ever did anything like that.

Thinking of some lighter moments, I often get reminded that it is now almost six years since the world was supposed to end. All that dawn of the new millennia and the doomsday hoopla is more than gone now. Maybe a thousand years hence...

One thing which has always been same all these years is that whenever I sit down to recollect past experiences and events, my mind always blanks out. And it is the same today. 2005 was a year full of wonderful times, sad times and O.K. times, but right now, I cannot remember any of them.

In about eight hours, 2005 will be long gone, and it will be 2006. And a year later, I will be thinking about what 2006 did for me, and perhaps will blank out again. Whatever...

Anyway, here is me wishing that all those who read this piece, and all those who don't that 2005 was really good for them. And also that 2006 be even better.

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